В середине мая клуб «Аква-Дон» совершил экспедицию на северо-восточное побережье Шри Ланки для погружения на рэки Второй Мировой войны. Главным объектом этой акватории, безусловно, является британский авианосец «Гермес». Вот что пишут об этой экспедиции наши партнеры:
Sri Lanka and the HMS Hermes
Mid Summer this year hadTech Asiavirtually closed andSri Lankafull steam ahead. Three weeks of wreck diving trips ran withSam, June and Daveall on station. May 14th next year we’ll go back with a group of Igor Savelyev’s friends from Rostov diving center “Aquadon”, and the opportunity exists to carry on for a second week if anyone would like to go.
If you look closely enough in amongst all the fish…you will notice an Aircraft Carrier…
The centerpiece is obviously the now famousHMS Hermes, victim of an April 1942 Japanese carrier based air strike. at 180m long and with an average depth to all the good bits of just 50m, she stands as one of the best WWII wrecks anywhere to be found. Sunk in the same action, theSS British Sergeant, RFA Athelstane, andHMS Hollyhock, and the older unidentifiedBoiler Wrecksare viable side trips in the unlikely event one was to run out of things to look at on the Hermes herself. A lovely trip in a unique location.
Decompressing in water so clear you can almost see Bangladesh